The best recipes, improved

Miso Soy Marinated Seabass

Miso Soy Marinated Seabass

Our continuing journey to demystify Japanese cuisine brought us to a miso soy marinade. Sea bass is a fantastic canvas for such a process, especially if skin-on fillets are available. The marinade was a little tough to get right, and in the end the sweetness was perfect for me. Taste as you go, and remember the final product will end up a touch sweeter than what you taste. When broiling the fish, be sure to wrap it in foil to seal in the moisture. Also, you’ll know it’s done when it flakes with a fork.

Miso Soy Marinated Seabass

  • Prep Time: 10m
  • Cook Time: 10m
  • Total Time: 6h


  • 3 tbsp. Sake
  • 1 tbsp. Rice vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. Soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. Miso paste (white or dark aged, depending on your preference)
  • 2 tbsp. Sugar
  • 1/2 lb Fresh sea bass (2 fillets)
  • 1 Green onion


  1. In a bowl mix sake, soy sauce, rice vinegar, miso paste and sugar. Whisk until well mixed. Be sure to taste it, and add sugar to taste. I added about 1 more teaspoon one pinch at a time -- it was perfect for me and a bit sweet for my wife.
  2. With the skin still on, place the sea bass fillets in the marinade bowl, cover and chill for 6+ hours. If your fillets are frozen, they will defrost but will take closer to 9 hours of marination time.
  3. When ready to cook, preheat the oven on broil (the 550F setting if you have multiple) and move a rack to 6" from the top coils.
  4. If you're steaming some veggies on the side (we went for snow peas), get that started now.
  5. Place a piece of foil on a baking sheet and wrap the fillets in the foil. You're welcome to add a bit more of the marinate for the broiling here. I poured about 2 tablespoons over each fillet before wrapping. Wrap in such a way that the juices won't leak out.
  6. Broil for 8-9 minutes. Since our fillets were still a touch frozen inside, 9 1/2 minutes was perfect (I froze ours the day before not knowing when we'd be cooking the sea bass).
  7. Place each fillet on a bed of sushi rice and enjoy!